chiropractor in Rochester

Seniors in Rochester NY benefit from Chiropractic Care.

Here at Rush-Henrietta Family Chiropractic, we see quite a few Rochester chiropractic patients who are 65-years-old or older. Additionally, for our industry, that number is expected to grow quite a bit over the next few years. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging, reports indicate that this segment of the population is expected to grow from 14.1% to 21.7% by the year 2040!

Whether you’re in this age bracket in Rochester now, or soon will be, chiropractic care can help you grow older with less pain and, ultimately, more grace. How?

Chiropractic for Back Pain Among the Elderly

As one report published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies points out, the most common reason for an older adult to see a Doctor of Chiropractic is musculoskeletal pain. Most Americans will suffer with lower back pain at some point in their lives. Fortunately, chiropractic is an effective option for this all-too-prevalent problem in aging individuals.

For instance, a case study involving an 83-year-old man found that after just eight chiropractic treatments: His spasms and tenderness was gone; His pain dropped from a “10 out of 10” to a 4 out of 10 on a pain scale; And he was able to better care of his disabled wife. Additionally, he still reported enjoying these same benefits four months after the study concluded.

A Lower Risk of Falling

Issues common among seniors is “dizziness” or a deterioration with the sense of equilibrium. Unfortunately, this contributes greatly to the high number of falls reported by members in this age range, a problem which the Vestibular Disorders Association states applies to somewhere between 20 and 40% of our nation’s elderly.

Chiropractic treatment can oftentimes help as, in one case, researchers studied people aged 65 and older, who reported “dizziness”. Assessments were performed on their results after just eight (8) eight weeks of chiropractic care (which consisted of two visits per week). One-half of the individuals who had this problem prior to the chiropractic sessions reported that this issue resolved completely by the end of the study. Some participants also reported experiencing better balance, another factor that is partially responsible for this group falling.

Although there are more benefits of chiropractic care, these two are the primary result to positively affect people 65 and older. Therefore, if you fall into this age group and live in the Rochester, New York area, call Rush-Henrietta Family Chiropractic and schedule an appointment today. We’re here to help you age as gracefully as we can! Our preference is to help patients regain and maintain their health through natural treatment methods. Chiropractic adjustments commonly help patients to feel better in just a few visits. Our office can be reached at 585-321-3200.

Ryan Wong

Ryan Wong

Owner/Operator, Chiropractor

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